What Are Common Problems in 3 Month Premture Babies?

NICU Breathing Equipment

The weather that about often bear upon premature or sick newborns involve their lungs, alimentary canal, brain, heart, and eyes. If your baby has these or other weather condition, your babe'southward caregivers will discuss the risks and care with you in more detail.

Premature babies take very fragile blood vessels in their brains. Babies born earlier xxx weeks of gestation may have haemorrhage in the brain during labor, delivery, or the first few days after birth. This bleeding commonly occurs in the fluid-filled ventricles [VEN-tri-kuhls] — spaces of the brain — or in the brain tissue around the ventricles.

This type of haemorrhage is called intraventricular [in-tra-ven-TRIK-yuh-ler] hemorrhage [hem-rij], or IVH. IVH may or may not impact brain growth and evolution. Your baby'due south doctors volition discuss your baby's status with you.

Many premature babies accept animate problems. This is because their lungs are not as fully adult as a full-term baby's. Many babies in the NICU and SCN will need to be put on a ventilator, a automobile that helps with breathing.

  • Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). This is a animate disorder in premature babies that is well-nigh often caused past their inability to produce surfactant [ser-FAK-tuh nt]. Surfactant is the fatty substance that coats the tiny sacs in the lungs to keep them from collapsing. Other causes of respiratory distress can be infection or breathing meconium [mi-KOH-nee-uh m] or fluid into the lungs.
  • Apnea, bradycardia, and desaturation. Sometimes, a premature baby stops breathing for brusk periods of time. This is known equally apnea [AP-nee-uh]. Apnea is often accompanied by a slower-than-normal heart rate called bradycardia [brad-i-KAHR-dee-uh]. Apnea and bradycardia may be associated with desaturation [dee-sabbatum-yuh-REY-shuh n], which means a low level of oxygen in the blood.
  • Pneumothorax. When a baby has trouble breathing, i possible complexity is a pneumothorax [noo-muh-THOWR-aks]. A pneumothorax results when air leaks from the lungs and is trapped betwixt the lungs and the chest wall. If the air collection is large, it may need to be drained with a needle or a tube. Sometimes a special ventilator will be used. In other cases, your baby tin can just be watched until her body reabsorbs the air and repairs the ruptures in her lungs.
  • Meconium aspiration. Sometimes babies accept animate problems caused by aspirating (inhaling) meconium during labor or delivery. (Meconium is the dark green cloth in a baby'due south intestines earlier and just after birth — the baby's outset stool.) Mild meconium aspiration usually resolves with few complications. In other cases, extensive treatment is required to address complications such as lung infection, depression oxygen levels, or lung damage.
  • Pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary [PUHL-muh-ner-ee] hypertension [hahy-per-TEN-shuh n] is when the blood vessels in the lungs don't open up normally later nascency. It causes poor circulation in the lungs and limits the oxygen entering the infant's bloodstream.
  • Pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE). Pressure from a ventilator may crusade air to leak from the lungs, creating tiny air bubbles that become trapped between layers of lung tissue. This condition is called pulmonary interstitial [in-ter-STISH-uh fifty] emphysema [em-fuh-Meet-muh] (PIE). It usually gets better as your baby's lungs improve and the ventilator pressure to the lungs is reduced.

Babies built-in prematurely, as well as babies built-in with breathing or nervus problems, are more than prone to sure eye issues. Although the eyes are i of the starting time organs in the body to begin developing, they are not completely adult until several weeks afterwards birth, fifty-fifty in a baby born at total term.

Information technology is important for your newborn to have a complete eye exam past an ophthalmologist [off-thuhl-MOL-uh-jist], who is a medical doctor trained in diseases of the heart, as recommended past your pediatrician or neonatologist. 2 mutual conditions are:

  • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Premature babies are at particular risk for problems with blood circulation to a part of the eye chosen the retina. The retina of the center records what nosotros see and sends images to the brain. When young blood vessels to the retina develop abnormally, the status is called retinopathy [ret-n-OP-uh-thee] of prematurity (ROP). ROP is often mild and requires no treatment. Still, more than serious cases can atomic number 82 to scarring or disengagement of the retina and may require treatment. Nigh cases will not lead to blindness. A specialist will talk over this problem with you in more detail if your child develops ROP.
  • Alignment problems. Children who are born prematurely are more than decumbent to alignment problems of the eye, one of which is chosen lazy centre or amblyopia [am-blee-OH-pee-uh]. Oftentimes misalignments are non evident until the child is several months of age.

Gastrointestinal (GI) issues occur in the stomach or intestines. This section discusses two conditions that are almost normally seen in the NICU and SCN.

  • Reflux. If the muscle at the archway of your baby'due south stomach isn't fully adult, it may permit food to move back up into the esophagus [ih-SOF-uh-guhs], which is the passage leading from the mouth to the stomach). This condition is called reflux [REE-fluhks] and tin can lead to choking and increased apnea and bradycardia. Management of mild cases of reflux unremarkably involves experimenting with feeding position, increasing feeding time, and giving smaller amounts of food. If the condition is severe, treatment may include medicine.
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). One of the virtually common gastrointestinal emergencies treated in the NICU and SCN is necrotizing [NEK-ruh-tahz-ing] enterocolitis [en-tuh-roh-koh-LAHY-tis] or NEC. It'due south an inflammatory bowel disease that affects premature infants but is as well seen in full-term infants. With NEC, the lining of the abdominal wall dies, and the tissue sloughs off. In serious cases, the bowel wall can perforate (rupture) and lead to abdominal swelling, abnormal stools, and increased apnea and bradycardia. Treatment varies co-ordinate to the severity and extent of bowel damage. It likewise depends on your babe'south age, wellness, and medical history. For some serious cases of NEC, surgery may be necessary.

A blood vessel located but outside of the center, called the ductus [duc-tus] arteriosus [ahr-TEER-ee-oh-suh southward], allows claret to bypass the lungs while your baby is all the same beingness carried in the womb. After nascence, the ductus arteriosus should close, redirecting your baby'due south blood flow through the lungs. If the ductus arteriosus does non close, nosotros say it is patent [PAT-nt], or open. A patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) tin can place stress on your baby'southward center and lungs, and it may need to exist airtight with medicine.

If your baby has a PDA, your doctors and nurses will hash out this with you lot in more detail and provide you lot with additional information.

Premature or sick newborns don't fight infections well. That's why hospital staff practise everything they tin to foreclose your baby from being exposed to germs. Notwithstanding, even with all the precautions that are taken, many premature or sick babies may develop 1 or more serious infections while they're in the infirmary.

When an infection is suspected, a baby may need tests to help identify the infection. Too, a baby volition usually be started on i or more antibiotics. The staff will discuss any suspected or identified infections with you in as much particular every bit y'all wish.

You Can Help Prevent Infections

All newborns are vulnerable to germs — and babies in the NICU and SCN are especially vulnerable. Protect your baby by doing the post-obit:

  • Be aware that your NICU or SCN may limit visitors or have special rules about sibling visits. Be sure to follow these rules. They help protect babies from illness.
  • Ask friends and family not to visit the NICU or SCN if they're ill. Even parents should non visit when sick.
  • Wash your hands often, advisedly, and thoroughly — from fingertips to elbows. Also sanitize your hands with an booze-based paw rub. Every NICU and SCN has multiple dispensers.
  • Go on your cell phone and other personal electronic devices in your pocket. Don't touch them while yous're holding your babe. Your cell telephone and other electronic devices are covered in germs that could make your baby ill.
  • Don't allow anyone wearing rings, watches, bracelets, or bogus nails to touch your baby unless they're wearing gloves.
  • Once you lot go home, continue to practice prevention. Wash and sanitize your hands, and ask others to do the aforementioned. Continue to protect your baby from people who are ill.
  • Make sure that people who come up into contact with your baby are all up to date on their vaccines. (Note that people who've had the influenza mist should wait vii days before seeing the baby.)

Jaundice [JAWN-dis] is a common problem in newborn babies, especially those who are premature. Jaundice causes the peel, and sometimes the whites of the eyes, to turn a yellowish color. Jaundice is usually caused past too much bilirubin [BIL-uh-roo-bin] in the blood.

Bilirubin comes from red claret cells that accept been broken down. Normally, the liver removes bilirubin from the body, but the liver of the premature infant is not mature plenty to do its job completely. Jaundice ordinarily occurs during the first vii days of life. During this time, your baby'south blood volition be checked, and the bilirubin level will be closely monitored.


Source: https://intermountainhealthcare.org/services/women-newborn/conditions/common-problems-premature-infants/

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